Sunday, April 17, 2011

Bed Time Stories

Ahhhh.... Finally. Something I can tell you all about that had me LOLing for a good minute! :p

Reese and I were laying in her bed, talking about whatever it was that she felt she needed to talk about, to stay up just a little bit longer. She brought up an old fish she use to have. 

"I really miss that blue fish. I know it's dead. I know it died. How did it die?" I just shrugged my shoulders hoping we didn't have to have the dead pets talk we have often at bed time, that ends with both us crying about Oliver. ANYHOO...I kinda killed the mood with that let me start over...

"I really miss that blue fish. I know it's dead. I know it died. How did it die?" I gave her the I really don't know look. She thought for a moment then said "Maybe he hit his head? [pause for thought] Maybe he just stopped moving his tail?" Then a slight smerk comes over her face, trying not to laugh she says "Maybe he hit rockbottom?"